In order to truly have a successful event, you need to have the proper coordination. If you do not coordinate and organize the event properly, you can’t expect it to be a success. There are a bunch of different technologies out there for helping coordinating events. You have ARS (audience response systems), Live Responding, and text messaging among others. However, of all the technologies available, text messaging is at the top of the list.
Text messaging is at the top of the list because it is the only way to send out alerts and update to attendees even if they are not on site. Sometimes a venue, a time, or other important change can happen at the last minute and you need to be able to alert your attendees to the change. This is one of the biggest challenges event coordinators face, because it is often difficult to get the information out to all the attendees. Text messaging can reach at least 95% of your attendees because 98% of all cell phones can get text messages, and almost everyone reads their text messages immediately.
Text messaging can also be incorporated in the Q&A session of your event as well. In the past, people at an event used to have to wait their turn and stand up in front of a microphone and ask their question. Text messaging takes care of that issue. Also, text messaging is the only technology that allows your attendees to ask questions and provide feedback anonymously.
Text messaging can also be used to coordinate among event staff, security, valets, and other essential employees to make the event run smoothly. Normally large events have a dozen staff or more across different areas, and it can be cumbersome managing them all. By using text messaging, you have nearly instant communication and can coordinate effectively, no matter where they may be at the time.
If you have a sudden change in staff or need a light bulb changed, text messaging can help you get the message out, without needing to pull your hair out by trying to track someone down and tell them.
A lot of events also use text messaging not only in the Q&A session but also to collect feedback after an event as well. You can ask attendees what they liked about the event, which speakers were best, how the accommodations were etc.
So, the next time you have a big event coming up, consider using text messaging not only to increase engagement in your event but to make coordinating the event a breeze as well.