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A recent study concluded that roughly 98 percent of SMS messages are opened and read within about fifteen minutes of receipt. Given these eye-opening statistics, there’s no doubt that text messaging is the most direct way to communicate with almost everyone today. Throughout the country, many churches are recognizing the importance of text messaging to create a more interactive experience for their visitors and members. In fact, many churches use a two-way text messaging software known as Mosio Q&A, and they love it.

Here are four features of Mosio churches love

Text to Screen – Text questions or comments and then project them onto a screen.

With our innovative text to screen feature, you can let your congregation do the talking. Throughout a service, bible study, or other church events, our system makes it easy to encourage audience participation when they use text messaging to send a comment or question. These comments and questions are then projected onto a large display screen. Not only will your congregation become more engaged, you will also obtain key feedback through a simple text to liven the event in real-time.

Surveys – Collect data and information

Many churches would like to survey visitors and members to improve their community outreach plan. Did you know that Mosio offers a simple and powerful way for churches to collect this important data and information?

During the church event, our system enables you to display polls on different screens or monitors. Contrary to similar text messaging services, our platform allows you to include as many questions on the poll as you would like. That way you are able to gather as much information as possible from the attendees.

After a great church event has ended, you can use our system to determine how to improve future events by sending out a simple text message to the attendees.

Alerts – Send out text message updates, information or newsletters

According to much research, text messaging alerts have a 99 percent open rate. When you have Mosio by your side, you can make sure that your newsletters never go unnoticed again with our great alerts feature. As more and more of your church members actually read your newsletter, you’ll notice a substantial increase in attendance for church events.

TextChat – Interactive, two-way text messaging that can be received and responded to

In today’s society, pastors and church leaders are busy, and often times, it’s difficult for them to return phone calls in a timely manner. By using Mosio’s interactive, two-way text messaging feature known as TextChat, church leaders will be able to receive and quickly respond to multiple questions and comments from various members.

As church members receive quick and fast responses to questions and concerns, they will be more than willing to continue using text messaging to communicate with the church. The ultimate result of TextChat is a church with improved engagement.

Due to the fact that this amazing feature allows you to communicate 10-15X more efficiently than phone calls, TextChat is also great for church hotlines and helplines.

See how text messaging can work better for your church. Sign up for a free, 14 day trial of Mosio Q&A.