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Don’t let your Clinical Trials become too hot to handle this summer – Chill out with the latest trends in Patient Recruitment and Retention News!
Mosio Exclusive:
Text Messaging and Wearables in Clinical Trials: Two Great Technologies that Go Well Together
Wearables in clinical trials present an exciting opportunity for the future of research, allowing for a wide variety of data to be transmitted directly to a data platform, opening patient enrollment options substantially, lowering study costs, increasing accuracy of data, and having the potential to make the data collection process more seamless than ever before. Text messaging software helps to do those same things and has the ability to enhance every aspect of this particular technology. Discover how in this Mosio exclusive.
Trending PR+R News:
3 Questions to Ask About Your Clinical Trial’s Enrollment Performance
Enrolling adequate patients continues to be a top challenge in clinical research, with most studies doubling their original timelines to meet enrollment goals, and 48% of sites under-enrolling study volunteers. To help steer enrollment performance in the right direction, here are a few questions to ask for greater success with accruals.
Futurists’ Outlook: Expect Vastly Different Clinical Research Enterprise
Clinical trials will be conducted wherever and whenever patients can more easily participate. In essence, investigative site will be replaced by flexible infrastructure increasingly supported by mobile, portable and cloud-based technology solutions integrating clinical research and clinical practice data. Flexibility and integration will facilitate participation, expand access, increase convenience and lower participation burden. Discover more ways noted futurists see the clinical research enterprise changing more profoundly than ever before in its history.
CTTI Seeks Use of Mobile Technology in Clinical Trials
Mobile technologies hold enormous promise for clinical research, but uncertainty about how to use the data captured by these devices has slowed progress. Newly released recommendations and tools from the Clinical Trials Transformation Initiative (CTTI) aim to change this by providing a pathway for using information gathered from mobile technologies to accelerate the development and evaluation of urgently needed therapies.
Opportunities to Create a Collaborative Patient/Professional Relationship
Increasing participation in clinical trials has long been a topic of discussion in the industry, and obstacles related to regulatory concerns, culture and communication are known to hinder outreach to the patient community. Fortunately, the focus on meaningful engagement has led to new ideas and opportunities to create dialogue between patients and professionals. The use of technology has risen to the forefront as a direct method of interacting with patients. Read more on how technology and other creative ideas can allow research sites to establish meaningful dialogue with the patient community.
Listening To Patients To Improve Clinical Trials
Based on recent surveys of clinical trial participants, early engagement with patients can change the course of a study for the better — and research shows it can directly impact the cost of conducting the trial as well. Results show that including patients in a significant and meaningful way before and during the clinical trial process can improve recruitment, keep costs down by eliminating expensive and time-consuming changes, and boost retention by improving the trial experience for patients. Creative and compliant engagement programs built around the patient experience can make these benefits attainable.
Texting Young Patients Improves Engagement with Specialist Services
Interviews with 165 patients in England and Wales, aged between 16 and 24 years old, and 173 health professionals, found that using mobile text messages and emails, as well as face-to-face-appointments, helped young patients manage their care. It also meant they communicated more regularly with clinicians and built trust.
5 Takeaways for More Patient-Centric Clinical Trials
Patient centricity has always been front and center for the research industry in many regards, but in recent years, multiple stakeholders are paying more attention and driving real traction in this area of research. A panel of experts from the MAGI East conference focused their discussion on patient centricity and the challenges and opportunities associated with patient-centric clinical trials. Read more for five notable takeaways from the session that address key topics in patient-focused clinical research.
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