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Text Messaging and Wearable Devices Make a Great Pairing in Clinical Research
Most study coordinators would agree that even in extremely incentivized clinical trials one of the primary challenges of conducting research studies is obtaining timely and accurate data. In the effort to get different, automated data, we are seeing a significant increase of the use of wearable devices and health trackers like Fitbits in clinical trials. We’re extremely excited about these recent innovations. Just as exciting is the fact that mobile messaging can be successfully paired with wearables to achieve even better results. By doing so, these devices can actually be more effective in clinical trials. Here’s how text messaging and wearable devices make a fantastic pairing in medical studies.
Since wearables are designed to track participants’ health data around the clock in a fitbit app and beyond, they can ensure that data is gathered in a timely and accurate manner. Many clinical research coordinators are taking advantage of this innovative concept by integrating consumer wrist-wearable devices into their medical studies, and The US Food And Drug Administration has even cleared the MotionWatch and Pro-Diary accelerometer devices to further assist researchers with monitoring and recording physical movement in clinical trials.
When accurate data is collected from participants anytime of the days in applications such as a fitbit app, wearables not only benefit researchers but also the participants. Instead of frequently going to a study site during a medical study, participants are able to participant from the comfort of their home as clinicians can easily obtain regular data from them through wearables.
Based on the articles “Sensors And Wearables Transform Clinical Trials But Challenges Remain, Experts Say” and “How Wearable Technology Might Potentially Revolutionize Clinical Trials,” it’s becoming more apparent that some determinations need to be made in exactly which device to use but text messaging can definitely augment the overall wearable experience. Using a technologically advanced messaging platform, texting can integrate with wearables for useful engagement and data collection functions, such as sending participants medication reminders, appointment reminders, and even incentives.
Our innovative platform can also be used to remind participants to sync their devices through a simple text message. For optimal study results, we also offer the capability to send texts based on data points gathered and collected from the devices. These such texts can be used for triggering new surveys for data collection, sending links to videos/photos/documents, and offering motivation as part of an intervention.
Whenever wearables and text messaging are paired effectively together, amazing results from research studies can ensue. To further enhance the use of wearables in medical studies, there are some companies such as Validic doing really innovative things with these devices in clinical research.
If you’re using wearable devices in your clinical studies and interested in improving engagement, adherence, and data collection efforts, contact us for a free consultation, or you can get quick access to our pricing here.