Automate and Improve Your Research Communications

Texting numbers cost as little as $1.67 per week.*

*Pricing and plans are sold in monthly increments.

Video: Mosio Plans, ExplainedVideo: Mosio Plans, Explained


REDCap Only

$42 / month

or get an Instant Quote


Teams and

$99 / month

or get an Instant Quote


Large Labs
$199 / month

or get an Instant Quote


Get a formal
proposal for
your project.

or get an Instant Quote


REDCap Only

$42 / month


Teams and

$124 / month


Large Labs
$249 / month


Contact us to
get a project
price quote.

Projects (per Plan)
Each Project has its own dedicated texting number and you can assign logins to have access to 1 or more projects. As the Account Owner, you decide which Account Logins have access to which Projects.– 1 dedicated texting number per project.
– 10DLC registration is included.
– USA and Canada only.
– Voice call forwarding.
– Click to Call (Basic/Plus Plans).
– Additional Projects/Text Lines:

Forward voice calls to your texting numbers to another phone line. Voice Forwarding is 1 Credit per minute. Click to Call function lets you dial a participant phone number. 3 Credits per minute. 
Up to 4 Projects

4 Texting numbers.
4 API keys (REDCap).
Up to 10 Projects

10 Texting numbers.
10 API keys.
Up to 30 Projects

30 Texting numbers.
30 API keys.
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Outbound Messages (Segments)
– Shared across Projects/Text Lines.
– Credits roll over to the next month.
– Totaled for the license length (e.g. Basic x 12 months = 36,000).

Inbound messages/segments are free.
Additional outbound messages/segments are $99 per 5,000.
1 MMS Credit = 5 Message/Segment Credits
Totaled X the number of months in your license.
(12 months = 12,000)
Totaled X the number of months in your license.
(12 months = 36,000)
Totaled X the number of months in your license.
(12 months = 90,000)
Contact Us
User/Team Logins
– Customize Team Login access to 1 or more Projects in your account.
4 10 30 Contact Us
Features and Functionality
Text messaging functionality. Direct is limited, Basic and Plus are full two-way text messaging capable.
REDCap Alerts & Notifications Two-Way & Automated Texting
Two-Way & Automated Texting Two-Way & Automated Texting
– Text messaging functions within Mosio.

Modules are text messaging functions within the Mosio system.
Configuration in REDCap, One-Way Texts Only All Modules:
TextChat, Storylines, Reminders, Alerts
All Modules:
TextChat, Storylines, Reminders, Alerts
All Modules:
TextChat, Storylines, Reminders, Alerts
Mosio Dashboard
– Access to messages, replies, scheduling, and content management.

Direct Plans include only account management access for REDCap configuration.
Account Management Only
Configuration is done within REDCap.
Full Access Full Access Full Access
Additional Projects / Text Lines
– Includes dedicated texting number.
– 10 DLC registration included.

USA and Canada only. 10DLC Registration is included.
$9 / Month $9 / Month $9 / Month Discounted
Additional Outbound Messages (per 5,000)
– Credited to account for length of license.
– Inbound messages are free.
– Messages and Segments

Messages and Segments. Overage bucket credits are good for the length of your license.
$99 per 5,000 $99 per 5,000 $99 per 5,000 Discounted
User/Team Logins
– Customize Team Login access to 1 or more Projects in your account.
$3 / Month $3 / Month $3 / Month Discounted
Dedicated Team Training
– Virtual team training session on how to configure projects on your own.
Our Dev team will show you how to set up a few elements of your first project.
Assisted Setup (per project)
The Development team will meet with you about your project and provide guidance on getting started.
$499 $499 Contact Us
REDCap Assistance for Basic Plans (per project)
– Mosio Development is unable to assist with your REDCap projects, only Mosio.
Mouse over for details.

– Mosio Development team will show you how to set up Mosio with REDCap and create survey invitation functions.
– Show you how to enroll participants into Mosio Storylines via REDCap Alerts and Notifications.
– Show you how to set up Appointment Reminders from REDCap.
– Note: Mosio cannot push data back to REDCap, read when a REDCap survey has been completed, or sync data in real-time.
Survey Invitations,
Alerts & Notifications, and
SMS “Conversations” functionality is embedded in REDCap with this plan.
$999 $1,998+ Contact Us
SSO / SAML Configuration
The Mosio Dev team will work with client to configure SSO services for your organization. One-time fee.
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Auto Responders
Customizable automated replies for inbound text messages.
Automated messaging scheduler for text-based interventions, surveys, check-ins, and adherence reminders.
Text Message Surveys
For data collection or compliance confirmation, where participants reply to confirm an action has been completed.
Called REDCap “Conversations”
(Managed in REDCap)

Data collected via Mosio Text Message Surveys can be exported via CSV. Data is not automatically exported to REDCap or any other system.

Data collected via Mosio Text Message Surveys can be exported via CSV. Data is not automatically exported to REDCap or any other system.
Appointment Reminders
Text message appointment reminders with custom messaging for Y/N responses.
Alerts/Group Messaging
Group messaging to participants. Can be used for message newsletters or study recruitment.
REDCap Alerts & Notifications
(Managed in REDCap)
Participant contact management functions with team notes and commenting.
Varying capabilities based on project needs. Direct is self-service. Basic and Custom Integrations are consultative and white glove service for configuration and testing.
Configured in REDCap Assisted Setup Services are Available Assisted Setup Services are Available Contact Us
Access to over 40 text messaging APIs.
1 API Per Project/Texting Number
Send SMS, Batch Status, Carrier Lookup, Text History, Storylines
1 API Per Project/Texting Number
Send SMS, Batch Status, Carrier Lookup, Text History, Storylines
All in Basic/Plus and Appointment Reminders, Create Surveys, Create Storylines, TextChat, Contacts, and more.
Text History
Text History for a participant provides a report of all incoming and outgoing texts.
Completion Report, User Overview, User Responses, Reporting Per Participant, All Survey Responses.
CSV Export of every participant’s current status within the system.
Opt-Out Report
A report of all participants who opted out of the system.
On the top of the contact manager overview table, you have the option to export the data to csv, excel or PDF.
Custom Reporting
(Data Transfer Agreement)

Mosio Development will create a reporting view in the system based on collected data, formatted to your specifications.
Ticketing system via email.
Knowledge Base
Searchable articles and videos.
Video Walkthroughs
We have dozens and are making them all the time.
Training Webinars
Training webinars (general).
Dedicated Team Training
Virtual team training session on how to configure projects on your own.
Priority Support
Priority support through our ticketing system.
Dedicated Support Manager
A dedicated support manager will work with you from onboarding through project completion.
Site Staff Training Confirmation
Educational tool with confirmation from site staff to prove they understand the system.
LOS (Letter of Support) Templates
We provide you with an LOS template to submit with your grants and sign when ready.
ICF Language Guidance for Texting
Phrasing and suggestions for adding text messaging consent for your informed consent forms.
Documentation for Grant/IRB Submissions
Messaging content and scheduling templates for Grant/IRB submissions.
Message/Segment Character Counter
Character counter to help you plan your message content with efficiency.
Project Planning/Onboarding Template
Templates to help you plan the message content and scheduling for your project team, grant applications or IRB submissions.

“Mosio has been invaluable for communicating with our research subjects. We use it to recruit, schedule (and reschedule) appointments, collect survey responses and to keep in touch with our subjects between study visits. In an era when fewer and fewer people answer phone calls or check voicemail messages, Mosio's text messaging services have saved us an enormous amount of time and effort in our clinical research studies. I can't imagine running a study without it!”

Andrea G. Gillman, PhDResearch Program Manager, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
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Frequently Asked Questions

Do we get a local texting number for our text lines?
Yes! We’ll ask you for the area code for that text line, then we’ll get you a dedicated texting number for your project in that area code, per availability. When adding new projects you are able to add an area code and choose from a list of available numbers.

Do the Direct Plan REDCap integration features also work in Basic and Plus Plans?
Definitely. We are seeing more and more clients start with the Direct Plan for integrating with REDCap, then decide they want two-way text messaging, more projects or all of the other modules offered. They’re able to do so without changing their REDCap settings configured in the Direct Plan.

What are the different ways we can use the text lines with our plans?
You can combine the Mosio projects/text lines in any way that is easiest for you. With the Basic Plan, you can have 10 different projects with text lines each. Or you can have 1 “General Use” text line (like you do an office number) and 9 other text lines for projects. Or you can have one study that has 10 separate offices/or sites.

What happens when a participant replies to a message in the Direct Plan?
When a participant responds to a message on the Direct Plan their message will show up in your Text History reports. Autoresponders and TextChat functions are available in Basic and Plus plans.

If I’m on a Direct Plan, can I upgrade to Basic or Plus to add two-way texting with my current setup?
Yes! In fact, if you are currently using Direct to send REDCap alerts or notifications via text message, you can keep those functions running. Upgrading to a Basic or Plus Plan gives you access to the full Mosio dashboard, including two-way TextChat, automated scheduling with Storylines, Appointment Reminders, Autoresponders, and Alerts. Video with more info

Is there a cost for voice forwarding to one of our phone numbers?
Yes. 1 minute is 1 message credit.

How does Click to Call work?
Mosio is a text messaging communications automation service for research and health projects, but we offer simple voice solutions for clients, especially those who have previously used other services like Google Voice. To activate it in your Basic or Plus plan, send in a support ticket. Instructions on how to call a participant will be included after activation. 1 click to call minute is 3 message credits. While useful, we recommend using your office line and voice forwarding options for phone calls.

Can we port our existing numbers to Mosio? If so, what is the cost?
Yes and it is absolutely free to do so. We don’t recommend doing it on live projects because it can take 3-5 business days, but we’re happy to help. More info

Is Mosio HIPAA and 21 CFR Part 11 compliant?
Yes. We can offer our privacy and data security statement to clients. Organizations needing a BAA, MSA or Security Review do so under an RCD License.

Does my IT team or REDCap Admins offering support account logins count against my plan?
If your organization holds an RCD License with Mosio, your REDCap Admins are able to be added to your Projects and not have their login count as one of the logins associated with your Plan.

Why is it one text line/texting number per project?
For a number of reasons, including 10DLC registration restrictions to experience observing how clients have used Mosio in the past, our Dev team has configured the system so each Project in your Mosio Account has a dedicated texting number. This is to ensure the best service and maximum deliverability for messages in your projects, something we can’t guarantee when multiple projects are sharing a single texting number.

Is there two-way text messaging with the Direct Plan?
Not through the Mosio dashboard. Two-way text messaging is available with Basic and Plus Plans. There is, however, functionality in REDCap called “conversations” (SMS surveys via REDCap). You’ll want to check with your REDCap Admin to make sure that feature is available within your version of REDCap.

Can we send and receive photos (MMS)?
Yes, both ways. For sending out there is a cost. 1 MMS = 5 Credits.

What APIs do developers have access to with Mosio plans?
We have a library of over 40 APIs. Basic and Plus Plans include 5 APIs. Custom projects can include others as listed above.

What are “segments” and how are they different from messages?
SMS messages are made up of character batches called segments. Each segment is limited to 160 simple characters in order to fit network limitations. Mosio has built-in character counters so there are no surprises. More info

More billing and procurement related FAQs can be found on our knowledge base.


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