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Patient Recruitment and Retention News – May 2019
Mosio Exclusive: Improving Patient Satisfaction With Mobile Text Messaging
Despite common belief, text messaging is not just for millennials. The truth of the matter is that everyone is using text messaging, even senior citizens, so it makes sense that healthcare providers are developing digital solutions to make patients’ lives easier. Here is how healthcare organizations and study coordinators are promoting optimal patient satisfaction with mobile text messaging.
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A Patient-Centric Approach To Increase Recruitment And Retention In Clinical Trials
Can patient centricity drive clinical trial retention and recruitment? According to research performed by the National Institute for Health Research, the U.K. is well on its way to increase the levels of patient participation in clinical trials on a yearly basis. Continue reading to learn about the national approach to increasing patient recruitment and retention for U.K. life sciences companies.
From lay summaries to patient engagement programs: how patient-centricity is finally becoming a reality
Although some professionals have tried to prove otherwise, patients are key stakeholders not only as clinical trial participants but also as interpreters of the results. As time progresses, there has been an increasing amount of organizations that are confirming patients as vital stakeholders in medical research studies. Read more for details.
How can the patient and public involvement benefit clinical trials?
Let’s face it: Clinical trials wouldn’t be effective without patients and the public. So, when it comes to improving retention and recruitment rates in clinical trials, patients and the public should definitely be involved in the research process. Don’t miss out on the ways in which patients and the public can greatly benefit clinical trials.
Boosting clinical trial recruitment through patient engagement
Throughout the years, patient recruitment has been a challenge for many clinical researchers, but it doesn’t have to stay that way. Many potential patients don’t understand the ins and outs of clinical trials due to complex terminology and irrelevant information, so increasing recruitment could be as simple as presenting the clinical trial in plain English. Discover the importance of engaging the patient with easy-to-understand clinical trial information.
The Diversity Channel in Clinical Trials
WHO’s mHealth Technical Evidence Review Group aids in the quest for high-quality research in mhealth with the release of a research checklist to standardize and replicate mobile health interventions. Published by the British Medical Journal.
The Mosio Team
Recruit. Retain. Report.
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