Town hall meetings are very important as they are used to discuss any outstanding issues which come up and make a good decision. During the meetings, the attendees can raise their hands in order to ask a question, offer an opinion, or raise concerns and issues. But, why are we using this old fashioned method when we live in the digital age? Also, many attendees may not be comfortable fully expressing themselves in such an open way. This results in only some people participating in town hall meetings and can lead to some issues not being resolved.
Using text messaging for audience question & answer sessions is the best solution for town hall meetings because the attendees do not need to hold a microphone to ask their questions, offer an opinion, or raise a concern. Additionally, attendees often feel more comfortable being able to provide their feedback in an anonymous way. Mosio for Events is a web based software package which will help you to make any town hall meeting more engaging, by allowing anyone to participate quickly, easily, and anonymously..
Mosio for Events offers a system which connects all attendees who have a cell phone at the town hall meeting, and can be easily managed using a web-based back end. The attendees are able to send any questions, feedback, or concerns by simply sending a text message from their phone. Their feedback can then be shared with the rest of the attendees on a screen by using a projector. Moderators can choose which messages they wish to share on screen with a simple click of a button. While the message which is sent is displayed on the screen, the sender’s information, such as name or mobile number, is not shown. This allows for completely anonymous feedback and promotes engagement from those who are worried about having their name attached to it.
Using text messaging for collecting questions, feedback or concerns at a town hall meeting has many advantages. The system is very easy to use and is better than an app because not everyone has a smart phone, but 98% of cell phones can send and receive a text message. The fact that it is anonymous allows those that are too shy to share something by standing in front of an audience to voice their opinions as well. Sometimes, meetings are very short and not everyone has a chance to have their say. By using text messaging many people can submit their questions or feedback and it can be reviewed at any time.
In conclusion, there really isn’t a better way to make town hall meetings more engaging than with text messaging. Mosio for Events will help make your next town hall meeting more engaging, and allow your attendees to submit their questions and feedback more easily than ever before.