As clinical trials continue to expand, making use of mobile healthcare technologies or mHealth software is vital for success. Text messaging is a particularly promising mHealth technology for several reasons:
1. Easy, Effective Reminders
People are always checking their phones: over a nice dinner at a restaurant, while walking across the street, under the table at a meeting… People are attached to their phones! So, when a text message reminder to take a survey, call the research site, or evaluate drug compliance is sent, participants receive it automatically. Then, participants are able to respond in a time frame most convenient to their individual schedules.
2. One-Step Recruiting
According to the Center for Information & Study on Clinical Research Participation (CISCRP), 77% of people stated they would consider participating in a clinical trial; however, in reality, only 10% of people actually participate! With the one-step recruiting process of sending a text message, basic information about a study can be sent to eligible participants, easily sparking interest and increasing the potential for study recruitment and enrollment–thanks to mHealth software.
3. No Hardware or Software Necessary
Text messaging works with any mobile phone. Downloads are not necessary, and set-up is easy.
4. Patients Believe In It
As part of the 2012 PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) survey, “Emerging mHealth: Paths for growth,” patients were asked about the effects of mHealth software, such as text messaging services, over the next three years. Respondents of the survey believe mHealth will allow healthcare to be more convenient (52%), less costly (46%), and of higher quality (48%). With patient backing, text message use in clinical trials is already a success!
Convenience, feasibility, and patient confidence considered, text messaging is the next step to improving clinical trials. Find out more about Mosio for Research at
Author: Emily Waller holds an Honors B.S. in Biomedical Engineering, has worked on numerous clinical trials, and as a medical & technical writer. She writes to promote innovative ideas in healthcare, technology, and research within the online community. She also loves photography, neuroscience, baking, and household DIY projects.
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