Memes are now such a regular part of our lives, that there are numerous research studies conducted on them and how they help us related to society and culture.
“Employees are naturally talking about these things online; employers should learn from them.” – Dr. Jennifer Thom, research scientist with IBM’s Collaborative End User Experience Group
While they may be useful for management to learn about employees and their company culture, we typically find them useful for a few giggles. Rather than research about memes, below we’ve chosen some memes about research. We hope you enjoy them and if you have any favorites we’ve left out, please provide them in the comments.
1. Challenge Accepted

2. Bad Luck Brian

3. Buhuu Baby

4. Keep Calm and…

5. Lord of the Rings (One Does Not Simply)

6. Matrix (What if I told You)

7. Dwight Schrute False

8. Principal Investigator Scheduling

9. Hey Girl….

10. Buzz Lightyear
This paperwork is to infinity and beyond!

11. You Sure that Vaccine passed Phase III?

12. Picard WTF

13. Scumbag Steve

14. Success Kid

15. What I Do…

16. Yoda

17. I sense a disturbance…

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